Monday, October 22, 2012

Inversion Episode 1

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life is too fun to waste on being serious. :-)

I was having dinner with a couple of my friends last weekend. One of them is a spiritual student in his sixties. He asked me if I was feeling more aligned since the last time we talked. I said that I was feeling better, but definitely not aligned. But I did figure out my path in this life. He asked me what my path is so I started to tell him how I have been taking classes and pursuing the career I have always wanted.

He smiles,nods slowly, takes a deep breath. Then he looks at me and says that he has been feeling so much better since he left his job two weeks ago and started investing in the markets. That is something he has always wanted to do. He felt nothing but joy in his life everyday after he started. He said that people allow themselves to be controlled by fear and never do what they want to do with their lives. Look at me, trying to pursue a new career while holding a, more than full-time, job because I am afraid I won't succeed and then I won't have money to live. He says to me that people become dead inside when they are doing the same boring thing everyday, and you even become disgusted with work when its not what you dream of doing everyday. One must get past their fears and simply pursue their dreams. What is the worse that can happen? So I don’t have any money for a while...will my parents and friends really allow me to stay on the streets with no food? Of course not!

This conversation weighed heavy on my mind for a few days. As I was driving into work the other day, a semi truck cut me off and almost hit me. I didn’t react to the situation. I just kept driving and had the simple thought that if I died, I didn’t really care because I’m so damned bored with life. It really made me sad because all that fear of the government and bill collectors and self-image had caused me to no longer fear death, but welcome it. Do I let go of fear and quit my job and go after what I really want? Or do I play it safe and welcome death?

© Sharif Khan